Meetings are held at the Warrior Resource Center meeting room, 4 Hillcrest Plaza Way, on the fourth Monday of each month, except November. (There is no meeting in December.) See the Program page for dates and times. You are encouraged to bring your lunch and laptop computers for the Brown Bag Lunch and Learn meetings.
Genealogical Code of Ethics
As members of Fore-Kin Trails Genealogical Society, we subscribe to the following principles:
•Promote an honest approach to genealogy, family history and local history
•Present research results in a clear, well-organized manner, full and accurately cite references and refrain from knowingly misquoting or misrepresenting sources or data.
•Give proper credit to those who supply information or provide assistance
•Comply with the current rules of copyright law
•Be courteous to library and other research facility personnel and treat records with care and respect; support efforts to locate, collect and preserve records; refrain from mutilating, rearranging, or removing from their proper place all printed, microfilm or electronic records.
•Promote the welfare of the genealogical community
Click for membership information.
Non-members can subscribe to receive the CHRONICLE quarterly for an annual fee of $30, which includes postage. By clicking on the underscored text below, you may obtain a copy of the Chronicle subscription form. It is in pdf format, which you may print or download to your computer for you to complete. Fill out the subscription form and mail it with your check to the Fore-Kin Trails Genealogical Society, P. O. 802, Montrose, CO 81402. Alternatively, you can email your subscription request as an attachment to montrosegenealogy@gmail.com and pay with PayPal.
Click here for Chronicle subscription form
Find us in Facebook at Montrose Genealogy Center.