Cedar Cemetery “I”



Compiled by Fore-Kin Trails Genealogical Society


Tombstone Inscriptions read and checked as of December 1992.


City Burial Records added through 1992.

IMSHAUG, Cecile D. - 1890-1969.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 2,
                     Lot 3, NW 1/4.

IMSHAUG, Henry T. - 1896-1978.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 2, Lot
                    4, NW 1/4.

INGELS, Earl Vailie - 1880-1950.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 20,
                      Lot 4, SW 1/4.

INGELS, Mrs. E.V. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1950, Sec I, Block
                    20, Lot 4, SW 1/4.

INGELS, Myrtle S. - See O'NEAL.

INGLE, Cawson - 1879-1961.  Mason.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 30,
                Lot 4, NE 1/4.

INGLE, Emma Grace - 1888-1955.  O.E.S.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block
                    30, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

INGLE, Nona M. - 1890-1960.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 56, Lot 5,
                 NW 1/4.

INGLEMAN, Edward Everett - 1893.  Son of S.A. and J.K. INGLEMAN.  City
                           Records: Bur Sec F, Block 57, Lot 9,
                           NE 1/4.

INGLES, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1931, Sec B, Block 3, Lot
               4, NW 1/4, Montrose County Section.

INHELDER, Lenore E. - February 16, 1892 - January 29, 1983.  City
                      Records: Bur Sec J, Block 12, Lot 2, SE 1/4.

IRIGOYEN, Bertrand - 1894-1935.  Has second stone:
                     July 12, 1935.  Utah.  Pvt. ICL, 361 Inf, 91 Div.
                     City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 44, Lot C.

IRVINE, Lawrence R. - Nov 27, 1910 - Aug 10, 1945.  California.  Pfc.
                      506 Engr LT Pon Co.  City Records: Middle name
                      Randolph.  Bur Sec J, Block 34, Lot A, NW 1/4.

IUNGERICH, Opal Ann - Nov 16, 1890 - Feb 26, 1971.  "Mother".  City
                      Records: Bur Sec G, Block 34 and Road 1, Lot 31,
                      SW 1/4.