Cedar Cemetery “K”


Compiled by Fore-Kin Trails Genealogical Society

Tombstone Inscriptions read and checked as of December 1992.

City Burial Records added through 1992.

KANCRO (or KAUCRO), Mac - Sept 22, 1916 - 8 Oct 1916.  City Records:
                          Bur Sec F, Block 9, Lot 2, SW 1/4.

KANE, Baby Girl - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1950, Sec J, Block 11,
                  Lot 1, NE 1/4.

KANE, Fred W. - 1891-1948.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 11, Lot 2,
                NE 1/4.

KANE, Harriett Ann - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1946, Sec K, Block
                     35, Lot A.

KANE, Harry W. - Feb 21, 1915 - Dec 9, 1980.  City Records: Bur Sec
                 K, Block 32, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

KANE, June ALLEN - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1946, Sec K, Block 35,
                   Lot A.

KANE, Ollie NOBLITT - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1964, Sec J, Block
                      11, Lot 1, NE 1/4.  

KANSGEN, Ada C. - 1883-1966.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 44, Lot
                  6, SW 1/4.

KANSGEN: Ernest L. - 1922-1937.  City Records: Middle name Lyle.  Bur
                     Sec G, Block 44, Lot A.
         E. Lawrence - 1893-1937.  City Records: First name Elmer. 
                       Bur Sec G, Block 38, Lot E.

KANSGEN: Frank H. - 1859-1951.  
         Anna M. - 1859-1919.  City Records: Middle name May.  Both
                   bur Sec G, Block 44, Lots 7 and 8, SW 1/4.

KANSGEN, Mary - 1830-1920.  "Mother".  City Records: Middle name
                Anna.  Bur Sec G, Block 44, Lot 2, SW 1/4.

KANSGEN, Rectha Mae - 1890-1944.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 6,
                      Lot 5, SW 1/4.

KANSGEN, Wilber - 1891-1956.  City Records: Middle Initial W.  Bur Sec
                  I, Block 6, Lot 6, SW 1/4.

KANSGEN, William - 1855-1927. "Son".  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block
                   44, Lot 3, SW 1/4.

KASENBERG: E. Winona - 1891-1991.  "Mother".  Married Feb 27, 1920.
           B. Lloyd - 1885-1959.  "Father".  City Records: Both bur
                      Sec F, Block 75, Lots 1 and 2, NW 1/4.

KAUFFMAN, Florence Mae "Peggy" - March 23, 1930 - June 28, 1974. 
                                 "Wife and Mother".  25 Years with
                                 Telephone Company.  Daughter of John
                                 J. and Ora BERTERELLO.  City Records:
                                 Bur Sec F, Block 9, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

KAVANAUGH, Anna L. - 1869-1906.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 45,
                     Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KEATING, Julia - Died Jan 16, 1887, aged 49 yrs, 5 mo.  No City
                 Records, but bur Sec F.

KEEP: Annie M. - 1912-1989.  
      James - 1906-1976.  City Records: Both bur Sec K, Block 28,
              Lots 3 and 4, NE

KEEP, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1931, Sec G, Block 34, Lot
             H, East End.

KEEP, Charles - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1928, Sec G, Block 34,
                Lot H.

KEEP, Charlie - 1912-1929.  "Son".  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block
                34, Lot 4.

KEEP, Harold Lee - 1947. City Records: Bur Sec K, Block 29, Lot 5, NW.

KEEP, Josephine Marie - 1938.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 68, Lot
                        6, NE 1/2.

KEEP, Leonard A. - 1910-1963.  City Records: Bur Sec K, Block 22,
                   Lot 2, NE.

KEEP, Onesta D. - 1853-1945.  "Mother".  See DICAMILLO.

KEEP, Tony - No stone.  City Records: Bur Feb 17, 1989, Sec G, Block
             48, Lot C.

KEEP: Tony C. - 1891-1989.  
      Elvira C. - 1889-1969.  City Records: Both bur Sec G, Block 34,
                  Lots C and G.

KELLER, Alfred - Feb 10, 1859 - May 12, 1953.  City Records: Bur Sec
                 F, Block 22, Lot F.

KELLER, Edward Sr. - April 27, 1866 - Feb 7, 1953.  City Records: Bur
                     Sec K, Block 29, Lot 5, NE.

KELLER, Emily BRIDGEWATER - Sept 5, 1875 - June 22, 1930.  City
                            Records: Bur Sec K, Block 29, Lot 6, NE.

KELLER, Lina - 1841-1926.  City Records: Name Linda.  Bur Sec K,
               Block 29, Lot 3, NE.

KELLER, Mildred Dale - Born Oct 8, 1900.  Died June 24, 1923.  City
                       Records: Bur Sec K, Block 29, Lot 4, NE.

KELLER, Nevada - 1875-1923.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                 84, Lot 1, SW 1/4.

KELLEY, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1906, Sec G, Block 11. 
               Question as to Lot location.

KELLEY: Bridget - 1848-1917.  "Mother".  City Records: Name spelled
                  KELLY.  Bur Sec G, Block 11, Lot 6.
        Francis - 1846-1926.  "Father".  City Records: Name spelled
                  KELLY.  Bur Sec G, between Block 11, Lot G and Block
                  12, Lot G

KELLEY, Charles - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1915.  Question as to
                  location of grave.

KELLEY, Infant of D.M. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1918, Sec F,
                         Block 79, Lot 7, NW 1/4.

KELLEY: James F. - 1892-1920.  
        Cecile N. - 1878-1928.  
        Fredrick D. - 1924-1926.  City Records: Middle name Donald. 
                      All 3 bur Sec G, Block 22, Lots 3, 4 and 6,
                      NW 1/4.

KELLY, Alexander - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1923, Sec B, Block 2,
                   Lot 3, SE 1/4, Montrose County Section.

KELLY, E.O. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1922, Sec F, Block 2, Lot
              6, NW 1/4.

KELLY, Helen Mae - 1936-1972.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur 9-5-1972, 
                   Sec G, Block 40, Lot 3, SW 1/4.

KELLY, James Le Roy - Aug 20, 1916 - Feb 2, 1943.  "Put Up By Mother".
                      City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 7, Lot 7, SW 1/4.

KELLY, Robert E. - Oct 17, 1875 - March 26, 1952.  City Records:
                   Middle name Emmett.  Bur Sec I, Block 7, Lot 6,
                   SW 1/4.

KELLY, William - No stone.  City Records: ca 1845-1915.  Bur Sec B,
                 Montrose County Section.  No Lot number listed.

KENDLE, Alice M. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1947, Sec J, Block 8,
                   Lot 7, NE 1/4.

KENDLE, Charles - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1933, Sec F, Block 44,
                  Lot G.

KENDLE, William Henry - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1948, Sec J,
                        Block 8, Lot 6, NE 1/4.

KENNEDY, J.R. - Died Nov 11, 1883, aged 59 yrs, 1 mo, 22 d.  City
                Records: Bur Sec F, Block 36, Lot 4, NE 1/4.

KENNEDY, Laura ASHLEY - 1859-1922.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                        16, Lot 1, NW 1/4.

KERBEL: Edward J. - 1893-1946.  Elk Emblem.  City Records: Middle
                    name James.  
        Flonnie B. - 1896-1966.  D.A.R.  City Records: Both bur Sec L,
                     Block Road 3, Lots 14 and 15, E 1/2.

KERR, Esma, Infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. KERR - No stone.  City Records:                                               Bur 1915, Sec F, Block
                                             49, Lot 1, SE 1/4.

KERR, Helen B. - 1883-1970.  City Records: Middle name Blanche.  Bur
                 Sec G, Block 19, Lot 3, NW 1/4.

KERR, James C. - 1887-1971.  City Records: Middle name Clifford.  Bur
                 Sec G, Block 19, Lot 4, NW 1/4.

KERR, Jean - 1915-1917.  Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. KERR.  City
             Records: Mother Jane Irene KERR.  Bur Sec F, Block 75,
             Lot 1, SW.

KERSCHNER: Merle - 1916-1989.  Married May 8, 1939.  City Records: Bur
                   Sec J, Block 31, Lot 1, SE.
           Rachel I. - 1921-1980.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 31,
                       Lot 4, NE.

KETTLE, Anna Viola - Died May 7, 1911, aged 5 yrs, 3 mo, 3 d. 
                     Daughter of J.W. and A.B. Kettle.  City Records: 
                     Bur Sec F, Block 41, Lot 8, NW 1/4.

KETTLE, Bertha May - 1891-1972.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 5,
                     Lot 1, NW 1/4.

KETTLE, Daryll Wayne - March 9, 1960- March 9, 1960.  City Records: 
                       Bur Sec I, Block 3 A, Lot 4, S.

KETTLE: Grace E. - 1896-1929.  City Records: Bur 1930, Sec F, Block
                   41, Lot A.
        R. Newton - 1892-1964.  City Records: First name Robert. 
                    Bur Sec F, Block 35, Lot E.

KETTLE, Infant - No stone.  City Records: Bur between Sec I, Block 4A,
                 Lot 1, N, and  Sec I, Block 3A, Lot 4, S.

KETTLE, James Daniel - 1885-1944.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 5,
                       Lot 2, NW 1/4.

KETTLE: James W. - 1846-1920.  
        Anna B. - 1866-1957.  City Records: Middle name Belle.  Both
                  bur Sec F, Block 41, Lots 5 and 6, NW 1/4.

KETTLE, Judith - Died Jan 16, 1888, aged 75 yrs, 5 mo, 18 d.  City
                 Records: Bur Sec F, Block 41, Lot 7, NW 1/4.

KETTLE, Samuel - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1931, Sec F, Block 34,
                 Lot 6, SE 1/4.

KETTLE, Sarah Charlotte - Born Nov 19, 1890.  Died Aug 29, 1894.  City
                          Records: Bur Sec F, Block 34, Lot 8, SE 1/4.

KETTLE, Sarah E. - Oct 22, 1863 - April 18, 1915.  City Records: Bur
                   Sec F, Block 34, Lot 7, SE 1/4.

KETTLE, Thelma I. - 1918-1950.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur Sec F,
                    Block 41, Lot B.

KIBLER, Byron Wayne - 1897-1964.  "Uncle".  City Records: Bur Sec G,
                      Block 34 and Road 1, Lot 30, SW 1/4.

KIBLER, KUSTER, IUNGERICH - Family Stone.  Opal KIBLER, sister of B.W.
                            KIBLER, was married in 1916 to Arthur
                            KUSTER, who was laid to rest in Price,
                            Utah.  A son, Donald KUSTER, was a veteran
                            of World War II.  In 1944, Opal KUSTER was
                            married to Charles IUNGERICH, who was laid
                            to rest in Champagne, Illinios.

KILLMORE: Florence - Born 1906.  Died ____.  No Burial Records.
          William L. - 1900-1961.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 53,
                       Lot 1, NE 1/4.

KIMBALL, L.G. - 1897-1918.  City Records: First name Lewis.  Bur Sec
                F, Block 78, Lot 6, NW 1/4.

KIMMINS, Edmund L. - No dates.  Co. B, 1 West Virginia Cav.  City
                     Records: Bur 1915, Sec F, Block 74, Lot 5,
                     NW 1/4.

KIMZEY, Floyd L. "Jack" - May 1901 - June 1924.  City Records: Name
                          Lloyd KIMSEY.  Bur Sec K, Block 35, Lot 3,
                          NE 1/4.

KIMZEY: Laura L. - 1873-1952.  City Records: Name KIMSEY.  
        Luther H. - 1870-1938.  City Records: Name KIMSEY.  Middle
                    name Hamilton.  Both bur Sec K, Block 35, Lots 5
                    and 6, NE 1/4.

KINDSVATER, Philip - 1872-1925.  City Records: Name KINDSOOTER.  Bur
                     Sec F, Block 15, Lot 4, NE 1/4.

KING: Arthur C. - 1892-1943.  
      Viva - 1890-1982.  City Records: His Remains and her Ashes bur
             Sec J, Block 5, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

KING: Daniel C. - 1855-1923.  
      Emma E. - 1862-1941.  City Records: Maiden name CLARK.  Both bur
                Sec F, Block 93, Lots 7 and 8, SE 1/4.

KING, Daniel S. - 1926-1974.  Pvt. U.S. Army World War II.  City
                  Records: Bur Sec J, Block 5, Lot 4, NE 1/4.

KING, Edna - 1877-1954.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 19, Lot 3,
             NW 1/4.

KING, Elmer Clyde - 1881-1947.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 7, Lot
                    1, NW 1/4.

KING, Fred W. - 1891-1948.  No City Records.

KING: Grace R. - 1889-1984.  
      John F. - 1886-1954.  City Records: Both bur Sec F, Block Road
                11, Lots 48 and 49.

KING, Ida Pearl - 1887-1964.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 7, Lot
                  6, SE 1/4.

KING, James W. - Aug 28, 1871 - Nov 5, 1952.  Pvt. 20 Kansas Infantry,
                 Spanish American War.  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                 Block 33, Lot 3, SW 1/4.

KING, J.H. - 1870-1958.  City Records: First name John.  Bur Sec F,
             Block 19, Lot 4, NW 1/4.

KING, Minnie B. - March 23, 1880 - Sept 8, 1954.  City Records: Bur
                  Sec J, Block 33, Lot 2, SW 1/4.

KING, Paul L. - 1929-1976.  AN U.S. Air Force, Korea.  City Records: 
                Middle name Lester. Bur Sec J, Block 5, Lot 6, NE 1/4.

KINIKIN, Luther Cassel - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1950, Sec I,
                         Block 17, Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KINIKIN, Mary Gertrude - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1949, Sec I,
                         Block 17, Lot 6, NW 1/4.

KINNICK: Frances - 1876-1961.  City Records: Name Johanna Frances.
         James E. - 1876-1952.  City Records: Both bur Sec J, Block 7,
                    Lots 2 and 3, NW 1/4.

KINNINS, Edmund L. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1915, Sec F, Block
                     74, Lot 5, NW 1/4. Name might be KIMMINS.

KINSEY, Carlton A. Sr. - 1910-1960.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block
                         16, Lot E.

KINSEY, Don Jackson - 1895-1963.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 37,
                      Lot 4, SE 1/4.

KINSEY, Eleanor PRYOR - 1916-1979.  See PRYOR.

KINSEY, Robert C. Sr. "Bob" - 1937-1979.  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                              Block 27, Lot D, NE 1/4.

KINTERKNECHT, Anna - 1887-1925.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 1,
                     Lot 6, SW 1/4.

KINTERKNECHT, Francis - 1914-1932.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 5,
                        Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KINTERKNECHT, Nick - 1877-1940.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 33,
                     Lot D.

KIPPOLA, Lois LEE - 1908-1975.  City Records: Bur 2-8-1975, Sec J,
                    Block 2, Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KIRK: Verna F. - 1903-1960. Married Nov 11, 1922, Tucumcari, New
      Willie E. - 1897-1970.  "Dad".  City Records: Both bur Sec I,
                  Block 18, Lots 2 and 3, NE 1/4.

KIRKPATRICK, Bettie C. - Dec 12, 1868 - Feb 25, 1950.  "Mother".  City
                         Records: Bur Sec J, Block 11, Lot H.

KIRKPATRICK, P.C. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 10-10-1903, Sec G,
                    Block 7, Lot 10.

KITSMILLER: Harry W. - June 30, 1889 - June 12, 1955.  "Dad".  City
                       Records: Bur Sec K, Block 31, Lot D, NE.
            Lola M. - Jan 7, 1890 - July 5, 1978.  "Mom".  City
                      Records: Bur Sec K, Block 20, Lot H, SE.

KITCHELL, Ernest Roy - 1885-1971. "Uncle".  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                       Block 24, Lot 2, NE 1/4.

KITTLESON, Evangeline - 1897-1899.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                        53, Lot 15, NW 1/4.

KLEVENBERG, Mrs. - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 43,
                   somewhere on Lots 1-8, NE 1/4.

KLINGBILE, Phoebe - Dec 25, 1876 - Aug 12, 1949.  "Mother".  City
                    Records: Bur Sec I, Block 20, Lot 7, NW 1/4.

KLINGENSMITH: Alonzo E. - 1881-1942.  
              Mary M. - 1883-1953.  City Records: Both bur Sec I,
                        Block 5, Lots 1 and 2, NW 1/4.

KLINGENSMITH, Ernest - 1910-1951.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block
                       19, Lot 7, SE 1/4.

KLINGENSMITH, George E. - July 19, 1943 - July 23, 1969.  "Husband and
                          Father".  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 19,
                          Lot 2, SE 1/4.

KLINGENSMITH, Iola B. - 1910-1982.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block
                        19, Lot 8, SE 1/4.

KLUCK: Sophie - Sept 1, 1918 - Jan 5, 1990.  Married Sept 21, 1940.
       Rudy - Jan 20, 1915 - March 29, 1985.  City Records: Both bur
              Sec L, Block 4, Lots 2 and 3, SE 1/4.

KNAPP: Robert R. - May 9, 1897 - June 17, 1966.  Mason.  Eastern Star.
       Ruth K. - July 1, 1904 - Feb 1, 1989.  Married June 14, 1923. 
                 City Records: Both bur Sec L, Block 12, Lots F and 4,
                 SW 1/4.

KNIGHT, A.D. - 1874-1942.  "Daddy".  City Records: Name Alden Daniel.
               Bur Sec F, Block 19, Lot 1, SW 1/4.

KNORR, Josephine E. - 1881-1964.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 4,
                      Lot 8, SW 1/4.

KNORR, Theodore H. - 1873-1943.  City Records: Bur Sec I, Block 4,
                     Lot 7, SW 1/4.

KNOTT, Ada Lois -  Sept 2, 1910.  No City Records.

KNOTT, Albert W. - 1876-1920.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 24, Lot
                   5, SE 1/4.

KNOTT, Ella M. - 1880-1968.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 24, Lot
                 6, SE 1/4.

KNOTT: Elsie HOLCOMB - 1877-1941.  City Record: Bur Sec G, Block 41,
                       Lot D, NE 1/4.
       Dr. Isaiah - 1873-1956.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 24,
                    Lot G.

KNOTT: Margeurite L. - Dec 8, 1909 - ____.  No Burial Date.  Married
                       July 18, 1934.  
       Isaiah Jr. - Sept 10, 1905 - Sept 21, 1989.  City Records:
                    Ashes bur Sec G, Block 24, Lot G.

KNOTT, Nellie ROSS - 1857-1931.  See DITTO.

KNOTT, Woodrow - 1914-1956.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 24, Lot 4,
                 SE 1/4.

KNOX, Donald - 1904.  No City Records.

KNOX, Ernest L. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1903, Sec J, Block 9,
                  Lot 8, SW 1/4.

KOCH, Henry - 1868-1920.  "Father".  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
              85, Lot 7, NE 1/4.

KOCH, Henry - 1897-1962.  City Records: Ashes bur Sec F, Block 85,
              Lot 4, NE 1/4.

KOCH, Hienie - 1928-1961.  City Records: Name Henry.  Ashes bur Sec
               F, Block 85, Lot 6, NE 1/4.

KOCH, Marie - 1867-1927.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
              85, Lot 8, NE 1/4.

KOCHU, Caroline Lee - No stone.  City Records: Bur 8-12-1943, Sec G,
                      Block 19, Lots 1-8, somewhere in SW 1/4.

KOEN, Anise V. - 1904-1959.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 8, Lot 4,
                 SW 1/4.

KOEN, Emma J. - No stone.  City Records: Middle name Josephine. Bur
                1947, Sec J, Block 8, Lot 6, NW 1/4.

KOEN, Jack Jr. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1931, Sec G, Block 26,
                 Lot G.

KOENIG, Adolph - No dates.  Co. F, 4 US. Vol Inf.  City Records: Bur
                 1904, Sec G, Block 44, Lot 1, SW 1/4.

KOENIG, Joseph F. - 1875-1955.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 61,
                    Lot B.

KOENIG, Margaret - 1876-1935.  City Records: Middle initial J.  Bur
                   Sec G, Block 56, Lot F.

KOLZ, Berneeda P. - Sept 10, 1933.  City Records: Bur Sec K, Block 39,
                    Lot 3.

KOLZ, Ruth E. - May 2, 1939 - April 16, 1974.  City Records: Middle
                name Ellen.  Bur Sec K, Block 39, Lot 4, NE 1/4.

KOLZ: Velma F. - 1908-1986.  Married June 1, 1929
      Henry H. - 1908-1984.  City Records: Both bur Sec K, Block 39,
                 Lots 1 and 2, NE 1/4.

KOOZER, Larena Fay - 1937-1938.  Martin's Funeral Home Marker.  City
                     Records: Bur Sec G, Block 56, Lot 3, SW 1/4.

KOPP, Harold L. - 1895-1919.  Sgt. 316th Service Battalion.  City
                  Records: Bur Sec G, Block 30, Lot 5, SE 1/4.

KOPP, Linnie J. - 1875-1953.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 30, Lot
                  7, SE 1/4.

KOPP, W.S. - 1859-1937.  City Records: Name William Sylvester.  Bur
             Sec G, Block 30, Lot 6, SE 1/4.

KOPPENHAFER, Ruby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 11-13-1976, Sec P,
                    Block 4, Lot 7, NW 1/4.

KOPPIN, Baby - No stone.  City Records: No dates.  Bur Sec F, Block
               23, Lots 1 and 2, NW 1/4.  Owner M.S. KOPPIN.

KOPPIN, Lilly - Died Aug 15, 1888, aged 1 yr, 8 mo.  City Records: Bur
                Sec F, Block 23, Lot 7, NW 1/4. 

KOPPIN, Nellie - Died March 20, 1893, aged 36 yrs.  City Records: Bur
                 Sec F, Block 23, Lot 8, NW 1/4.

KRAMER, Mike - Jan 23, 1959 - July 9, 1976.  "Son, Brother, Grandson".
               City Records: Name Michael S.  Bur Sec L, Block 2, Lot
               5, NE 1/4.

KRANTZ, Edward - 1953-1992.  City Records: Bur Sec Q, Block 3, Lot 5,
                 NW 1/4.

KRAUS, Effie Bell - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1923, Sec K, Block
                    32, Lot 4, SE 1/4.

KRAUS, Jake Sr. - Dec 17, 1883 - April 29, 1957.  City Records: Bur
                  Sec J, Block 20, Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KRAUS, Mary - Jan 11, 1886 - Feb 1, 1949.  City Records: Bur Sec J,
              Block 20, Lot 6, NW 1/4.

KREBS: Agnes C. - 1922-1976.  "Mom".  
       Albert E. - 1908-1979.  "Dad".  City Records: Both bur Sec G,
                   Block 13 and Road 1, Lots 7 and 8, NW 1/4.

KREBS, Elmer - No stone.  City Records: No dates.  Bur Sec F, Block
               42, Lot 1 NW 1/4.

KREBS, John F. - 1856-1935.  City Records: Name Frederick.  Bur Sec
                 F, Block 42, Lot 5, NW 1/4.

KREBS, Louetta - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1886, Sec F, Block 42,
                 Lot 8, NW 1/4.

KREBS, Mecca - 1869-1944.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 42, Lot 6,
               NW 1/4.

KREBS: Rose R. - 1906-1983.  Eastern Star.  
       S. Stuart - 1903-1977.  Mason.  No City Records for either of
                   them, but both bur in Sec F.

KRESSLER, Larry Duane - 1950-1950.  No City Records, but bur Sec J.

KRETSCHMAN: Edward - 1882-1964.  "Dad".  
            Elizabeth - 1892-1955.  "Mom".  City Records: Both bur Sec
                       G, Block 32, Lots 5 and 6, NE 1/4.

KREUDER, Norman W. - July 27, 1938.  Ohio.  U.S. Army Corps.  City
                     Records: Bur Sec G, Block 1, Lot G or H.

KROHN, Louis E. Jr. - Feb 10, 1917 - Oct 7, 1968.  Colorado.  Pvt.
                      U.S. Army, World War II.  City Records: Bur Sec
                      F, Block 77, Lot 7, NE 1/4.

KROHN, Louis E. Sr. - 1891-1970.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 77,
                      Lot 2, NE 1/4.

KROHN, Marie H. - 1867-1956.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 77, Lot
                  4, NE 1/4.

KROHN, Mary J. - 1901-1986.  City Records: Bur 7-14-1986, Sec F,
                 Block 77, Lot 8, NE 1/4.

KROHN, Nick D. - 1928-1949.  City Records: Name Nicholas Dale.  Bur
                 Sec F, Block 77, Lot 1, NE 1/4.

KROHN, Nicolaus J.C. - 1864-1916.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                       77, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

KURETICH, John - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1950, Sec B, Montrose
                 County Section.  No grave location.

KUSTER, Donald G. - Sept 23, 1910 - June 12, 1970.  Colorado.  MM2
                    USNR World War II.  City Records: Bur Sec G,
                    Block 34 and Road 1. Lot 32, SW 1/4.