Cedar Cemetery “Mc”


Compiled by Fore-Kin Trails Genealogical Society

Tombstone Inscriptions read and checked as of December 1992.

City Burial Records added through 1992.

McANALLY: Andrew M. - 1870-1938.  Shrine.  City Records: Bur Sec G,
                      Block 38, Lot A, NW 1/4.
          Stella T. - 1889-1974.  Eastern Star.  City Records: Bur
                      Sec G, Block 27, Lot E, SW 1/4.

McBRIDE: Carrie - 1884-1952.  "Mother".  
         Vernie E. Sr. - 1877-1969.  "Father".  City Records: Both bur
                         Sec J, Block 40, Lots 3 and 4, NE 1/4.

McBRIDE: Glen Lloyd Jr. - April 21, 1929 - March 1, 1991.  
         Glen Lloyd Sr. - Aug 25, 1906 - April 3, 1963.  City Records:
                          Both bur Sec J, Block 32, Lots 5 and 8.

McBRIDE, Mary - No dates.  No City Records.

McBROOM, Roy - Dec 10, 1898 - Oct 6, 1978. (Another reading showed
               Oct 9, 1978 as date of death - possibly date of burial.
               City Records: Bur Sec B, Lot 37, Montrose County

McCABE, Grace McLEOD - 1897-1986.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 4,
                       Lot 5, SW 1/4.  Note: Buried with McLEODS.

McCABE, Julia CARNEY - 1868-1956.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 41,
                       Lot C, NE 1/4.

McCABE: Orlie M. - 1878-1962.  City Records: Middle name Marie.  
        Pliny O. - 1878-1946.  City Records: Both bur Sec F, Block 79,
                   Lots 5 and 6, SE 1/4.

McCABE, Vincent C. - 1898-1960.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 32,
                     Lot G, SE 1/4.

McCAFFERTY, Harold - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1918, Sec F, Block
                     78, Lot 3, NE 1/4.

McCAFFERTY, Johnnie E. - Feb 22, 1903 - May 5, 1918.  City Records: 
                         Bur Sec F, Block 78, Lot 4, NE 1/4.

McCAFFERTY, Lawrence - 1899-1918.  No City Records.

McCAFFERTY, Walter M. - 1876-1921.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 18,
                        Lot 6, NW 1/4.

McCANCE, Avis I. - 1895-1950.  City Records: Name Arvis Idell.  Bur
                    Sec I, Block 17, Lot 3, NW 1/4.

McCANCE, E. R. "Mac" - 1894-1982.  No City Records, but bur Sec I.

McCANCE, Oval G. - 1912-19__.  No Burial Records.  Stone in Sec I.

McCARL, W. D. or W. S. - No stone.  City Records: Ca 1852-1902.  Bur
                         2-11-1902, Sec B, Montrose County Section. 
                         No location of grave.

McCARTHY, Thomas - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1921, Sec F, Block 4,
                   Lot 4, NE 1/4.

McCARTY, Infants of W. H. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1921 and
                            1923, Sec G, Block 62, Lot 2, NW 1/4.

McCARTY, Pollie A. - 1876-1943.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 46,
                     Lot 5, NE 1/4.

McCAW, Alice - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1933, Sec G, Block 39, Lot
               6, NW 1/4.

McCAW, John - No stone.  City Records: Bur 3-25-1943, Sec I, Block 3,
              Lot 7, N.

McCLAIN, Brenda Gay - Nov 25, 1956.  No City Records, but bur Sec I.

McCLELLAND, Valda McKINNON - 1888-1940.  See McKINNON.

McCLINTOCK, Leonard - 1883-1908.  City Records: Name F.M.  Bur Sec K,
                      Block 31, Lot 5, NE 1/4.

McCLUSKY, Henry - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1905, Sec G, Block 17,
                  Lot 10, SE 1/4. Note: First name from VFH Records.

McCOLLOCH, Sarah M. - 1853-1916.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 16,
                      Lot 3, SE 1/4.

McCOLLOCK, Charles Edgar - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1953, Sec F,
                           Block 16, Lot 7, SE 1/4.

McCOLLUM, Robert E. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1916, Sec F, Block
                      65, Lot 11, NE 1/4.

McCOLLUM, Zella M. - 1869-1959.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 33,
                     Lot 3, NE 1/4.

McCOMB, Dora  - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1954, Sec J, Block 8,
                Lot 1, SE 1/4.

McCONNELL, An_a W. - Born June 21, 1881.  Died March 9, 1888.  No City

McCONNELL, Lewis - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1937, Sec G, Block 35,
                   Lot A, NW 1/4.

McCONNELL, Lewis E. - No stone.  City Records: Ashes bur 3-28-1975,
                      Sec G, Block 35, Lot A, NW 1/4.

McCORMICK, No first name - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                           77, Lot 1, SW 1/4.

McCORMACK, Mrs. M. A. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1918, Sec F,
                        Block 77, Lot 1, SW 1/4.

McCOY, Thomas - No stone.  City Records: Bur 10-3-1901, Sec F, Block
                53, Lot 11, NW 1/4.

McCRANEY, Anna Mae - 1893-1971.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                     Block 17, Lot 4, SE 1/4.

McCRANEY, Charles F. - 1866-1957.  "Father".  City Records: Bur Sec
                       J, Block 33, Lot G.

McCRANEY, Elmer - 1894-1972.  "Father".  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                  Block 17, Lot H, SE 1/4.

McCREADY, Sara - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 18, Lot 2,
                 NW 1/4.

McDANIEL: A.J.R. - 1861-1915.  
          Etta B. - 1865-1940.  City Records: Both bur Sec F, Block
                    77, Lots 5 and 6, SE 1/4.

McDANIEL, George William - 1883-1954.  "Son".  City Records: Bur Sec
                           F, Block 82, Lot 5, NW 1/4.

McDANIEL, Jay - No Stone.  City Records: Bur 1936, Sec G, Block 46,
                Lot C.  

McDANIEL, John Edmon - 1872-1963.  "Son".  Mason.  City Records: Bur
                       1964, Sec F, Block 82, Lot 8, NW 1/4.

McDANIEL, Margaret Ann - 1854-1922.  "Mother".  City Records: Bur Sec
                         F, Block 82, Lot 7, NW 1/4.

McDANIEL, William Singers - 1846-1932.  "Father".  GAR.  Co. F, 192
                            O.V. 1.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                            82, Lot 6, NW 1/4.

McDERMOTT, Andrew J. - Dec 1, 1941.  Colorado.  Pvt. U.S. Army.  City
                       Records: Bur Sec J, Block 38, Lot 1, SE 1/4.

McDERMOTT, Merlin Newton - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1955, Sec J,
                           Block 33, Lot C.

McDONALD, Alexander - 1882-1964.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 63,
                      Lot 3, SE 1/4.

McDONALD: Cathrine J. - 1872-1960.  "Mother".  
          Joseph E. - 1858-1935.  "Dad".  City Records: Both bur Sec
                      F, Block 68, Lots 2 and 3, NW 1/4.

McDONALD, George S. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1920, Sec F, Block
                      4, Lot 5, SW 1/4.

McDONALD: John A. - 1903-1983.  
          Jessie M. - 1904-1983.  City Records: Both bur Sec F, Block
                      22, Lots 3 and 4, SE 1/4.

McFARLIN, Bertha Christena - Jan 6, 1915 - Aug 28, 1972. City Records:
                             Bur Sec G, Block 49, Lot 6, NE 1/4.

McGETRICK, Felix - No stone.  City Records: Bur 11-08-1905, Sec G,
                   Block 17, Lot 8, SE 1/4.

McGINLEY: Leslie C. - July 15, 1892 - June 14, 1977.  "Father".
          Hazel W. - June 22, 1892 - Feb 14, 1978.  "Mother".  City
                     Records: Both bur Sec G, Block 38, Lots 5 and 6,
                     NE 1/4.

McGINNESS, Elizabeth A. - 1853-1935.  City Records: Middle name Ann. 
                          Bur Sec F, Block 30, Lot 7 or 8, NE.

McGINNESS, John A. - 1849-1925.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 30,
                     Lot 7 or 8, NE.

McINTYRE, Anna Elizabeth - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1920, Sec F,
                           Block 7, at corner where Lots 1 and 2 and 7
                           and 8 meet, SW 1/4.

McINTYRE, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1920, Sec F, Block 7,
                 Between Lots 7 and 8, SW 1/4.

McINTYRE, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 39, Lot 5,
                 SW 1/4.

McINTIRE, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 39, Lot 6,
                 SW 1/4.

McINTYRE, Doglas - Died Jan 10, 1888, aged 3 yrs, 8 mo, 21 d.  Son of
                   John and Rosa McINTYRE.  No City Records, but
                   bur Sec J.

McINTYRE, Mrs. - No stone.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 39, Lot 2,
                 SW 1/4.

McINTYRE, Paddy - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1926, Sec F, Block 88,
                  Lot 8, SW 1/4.

McKEAN, Lew R. - July 21, 1912 - Aug 20, 1981.  "Husband".  Mason. 
                 Elks.  City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 14, Lot 4, SE.

McKEAN, Viola M. - Feb 28, 1908 - May 9, 1975.  City Records: Bur Sec
                   L, Block 11, Lot 8, SE.

McKEE: Amanda S. - 1863-1919.  
       Thomas M. - 1854-1939.  City Records: Middle name Michael. Both
                   Bur Sec F, Block 32, Lots 2 and 3, NW.

McKEE, Charles Allen - No dates.  "Baby".  Aged 6 months, 2 days.
                       City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 32, Lot 7, NW.

McKEE, Patrick John - 1890-1963.  Elks.  City Records: Bur Sec F,
                      Block 32, Lot 4, NW.

McKEE, Shannon Jeannine - May 24, 1967 - April 30, 1983. City Records:
                          Bur Sec J, Block 25, Lot 6, SE 1/4.

McKEE, Thomas M. - March 2, 1887 - June 28, 1904.  The top of stone
                   reads "MISNER".  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block
                   32, Lot 6, NW.

McKELVEY: Grace - 1874-1946. City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 40, Lot H.
          Thomas J. - 1870-1936.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 57,
                      Lot D.

McKINLEY, Charles L. - March 23, 1870 - Aug 23, 1948.  City Records:                          Middle name Leighton.  Bur Sec I, Block 7, Lot
                       3, NE 1/4.

McKINLEY, Olive - No stone.  City Records: Bur 4-16-1962, Sec I, Block
                  7, Lot 2, NE 1/4.

McKINNEY, Harry - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1904, Sec G, Block 7,
                  Lot F.

McKINNON: Valda (McCLELLAND) - 1888-1940.  
          Alexander R. - 1883-1919.  
          Donnalou, Baby - 1941.  City Records: All 3 bur Sec G, Block
                           35, Lots 3 and 4, NE 1/4.

McLAIN, Baby - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1956, Sec I, Block 9,
               W 1/2 Lot 5, NW 1/4.

McLAUGHLIN, Wilma - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1918, Sec F, Block
                    79, Lot 7.

McLEOD, George L. - 1890-1947.  City Records: Middle name Lawrence.
                    Bur Sec J, Block 4, Lot E.

McLEOD, Grace - See McCABE.

McMAINS, Frances A. - 1887-1939.  City Records: Middle name Archie. 
                      Bur Sec G, Block 31, Lot B.

McMANUS, Baby - 1937.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 31, Lot 6, 
                SE 1/4.

McMANUS, Baby Ralph - May 15, 1919 - Nov 8, 1919.  City Records: Bur
                      Sec G, Block 31, Lot 5, SE 1/4.

McMANUS, Edna H. - 1898-1959.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 31, Lot
                   8, SE 1/4.

McMANUS, Edward E. - March 8, 1894 - April 9, 1949.  Colorado.  Sgt.
                     164 Depot Brig. World War I.  City Records:
                     Middle name Emmett.  Bur Sec G, Block 31, Lot 7,
                     SE 1/4.

McMANUS, Edward E. - Oct 22, 1928 - July 1, 1985.  No City Records.

McMANUS: Elizabeth - 1870-1967.  "Mom".  Married Sept 29, 1889.
                     City Records: Middle name Ann.
         George W. - 1870-1956.  "Dad".  City Records: Both bur Sec G,
                     Block 31, Lots 1 and 2, SE 1/4.

McMANUS, John Henry - Jan 13, 1913 - Aug 14, 1949.  City Records: Bur
                      Sec G, Block 31, Lot 3, SE 1/4.

McMILLAN: Wayne E. - 1922-____.  No Burial Records.
          Creta M. - 1922-1978.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 51
                     and Road 3, Lot 53, SW 1/4.

McNABNEY, Emeretta - 1853-1927.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 37,
                     Lot 6, NE 1/4.

McNABNEY, Lydia - 1878-1951.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 37, Lot
                  7, NE 1/4.

McNABNEY, Mildred Ina - 1923-1923.  City Records: Middle name Irene. 
                        Bur Sec G, Block 37, Lot 8, NE 1/4.

McNABNEY, William - 1846-1925.  Co H, 5 Illinois Cav.  City Records: 
                    Bur Sec G, Block 37, Lot 5, NE 1/4.

McNEER: Grace May - 1887-1946. City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 8, Lot A
        Otis E. - 1876-1956. City Records: Bur Sec J, Block 5, Lot E. 

McNEIL: Pearl E. - 1906-19__.  "Mother".  No Burial Records.
        Hiram A. - 1903-1975.  "Dad".  City Records: Bur 10-23-1975,
                   Sec F, Block 83, Lot 3, SW 1/4.

McNEIL, William Emil - Jan 19, 1935 - March 18, 1990.  Spec 4, U.S.
                       Army.  City Records: Bur Sec F, Block 83, Lot
                       4, SW 1/4.

McNEILL, Sara SHARP - 1855-1905.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 47,
                      Lot 4, NW 1/4.

McNIEL, Baby Girl - 1960-1961.  City Records: Bur Sec G, Block 18, Lot
                    6, SE 1/4.

McKNO, Eva - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1926, Sec F, Block 88, Lot
             4, NE 1/4.

McNULTY, Joseph - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1931, Sec B, Block 3,
                  Lot 4, NE 1/4, Montrose County Section.

McPHERSON, Robert J. - Sept 22, 1932 - Dec 10, 1958.  Colorado. Cpl,
                       U.S. Army, Korea.  City Records: Bur Sec J,
                       Block 12, Lot C.

McQUEEN, Neely - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1982, Sec J, Block 38,
                 Lot 1, SE 1/4.

McRAE, Donald D. - No stone.  City Records: Bur 8-15-1903, Sec G,
                   Block 45, Lot 1-8, NW 1/4.  Question as to
                   location, but probably Lot 5.

McSCHOOLER, Ada Mae MOORE - No stone.  City Records: Bur 1982, Sec J,
                            Block 15, Lot 6, NE 1/4.

McVEAN: Charles Edward - 1891-1892.  Mausoleum.  
        Sarah J. - No stone.  Mausoleum.  City Records: Bur 1937.
        Hugh Mair - 1858-1897.  Mausoleum.  
        Hugh Mair Jr. - 1892-1898.  Mausoleum.  City Records: All four
                        bur Sec J, Block 36, Lots 14, G, and H.

McVEAN, Sarah J. - 1858-1936.  City Records: Middle name Jennie.  Bur
                   Sec G, Block 8, Lot H.

McWILLIAMS, Carvel Clarence Jr. - 1931-1938.  City Records: Bur Sec
                                  K, Block 38, Lot 2, SE 1/4.